Distant / Online Healing Therapy:
Online healing therapy or long distance healing therapy or Remote Healing therapy or Non-Local Healing therapy, works on the universal law of Bio-energy, thus making long distance healing as extremely effective as healing sessions conducted in person. Most long distance healing recipients feel the energy almost immediately, as energy works on the subtle body rather than the physical body of the person. Long Distance Healing doesn’t have any side effects and response is rapid from most people including, children.
Mrs.Saritha Prasad conducts long-distance healing sessions to individuals and groups addressing their specific problems and/or concerns. During the healing therapy, the healing thoughts or Theta vibrations are transmitted thereby awakening our dormant self-healing power, i.e.healing our body and mind, without any self-effort. Healing therapy includes practical sessions each of about 15-20 minutes of duration.
The participants will be asked to sit quietly closing their eyes and within minutes incredibly induces Alpha and Theta vibrations deeper into the relaxed states of mind. During these sessions, a combination of Alpha and Theta activates the self-healing mechanism, and creates a Neuro-Chemical balance. The disturbed mind is gradually

quietened; muscles relax, stress fades, and the person coming out from these sessions is rejuvenated emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The therapy sessions shall be conducted are carried out only when you are sitting or laying down at complete rest or even during sleep.
Sessions can be given while you are awake and or resting, in a real time call. We maintain a high standard of ethics and integrity so you can feel confident that your session is treated with the utmost care and commitment. The number of recommended sessions depends on several factors which includes heredity, age, physical state, and medication, if any. The recommendations on the site are general and are based on experience gained through the years of work. Each client will receive an individual treatment.
Mrs Saritha Prasad specialized in conducting distance or online healing therapy to facilitate the people who can’t come personally.
Disclaimer: Do not discontinue your medication prescribed by your doctor and please do not make any changes in your medication without the consent of your doctor.